
Friday, June 22, 2012

::this moment::the strawberry picker::

I let him play hooky today. He worked for an hour to fill one basket in sweltering heat, then helped me wash, hull and crush them into beautiful, ruby-coloured jam. He was so proud of himself when I praised his work ethic, and walked a little taller all day.

Stop by Amanda's blog to share your moment and to enjoy others.


  1. Great moment, we did that yesterday too, it was hot!!!!! Enjoy your day.

  2. oh, i had plans for strawberry picking this year, but so far it didn't work out... we'll see.
    love your moment! have a great weekend!

  3. Oh! We missed on that this year. A very short season here. Enjoy your berries!

  4. Just gorgeous!

    To celebrate the Solstice we did a little strawberry picking (and then jam making) too!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Looks early in the morning and hot. What a good worker! And yes, remembering to praise a good effort, a job well done is something I need to do more often. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Love the photo! Everyone needs to play hooky once in a while. Well done, mom!

  7. Possibly one of my most favourite photos and descriptions ever!!! Sweet boy!!

  8. We went picking at French Hill today! What a lovely place with all those daisies everywhere and loads of delicious strawberries to bring home. I couldn't get over Thomas' remark, "This is the best place in the whole world!" I showed the kids this photo of Jude to motivate them this morning to fill a whole basket! Tomorrow I'll be attempting my first-ever jam making adventure!


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