
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Life in this Moment

It's been so long since I stopped by this space. Blogging! It's so... ten years ago! I love to visit it like an old friend I've lost touch with, that holds my memories for me. I dream of a day where I can sit all day with tea, and read every single post from the very beginning. Life is busy now in such a different way than it was when I was mothering three children under the age of five! I still feel busy but it's a pleasant busyness, of getting my kids here and there, keeping track of their social lives, sports, sleepovers, rehearsals, and so on, making sure there are snacks available to grab on those evenings when we land in from school then go right back out the door.

This winter has been made busier by the fact that our septic system gave up the ghost on Christmas Eve. We're into Month 3 now of washing our dishes in basins, carrying the dirty dishwater outside to dump in the snow, bathing/showering while standing in a Rubbermaid bin, and flushing as little as possible. Bless my dear mother who washes all of our laundry and welcomes us for showers on a regular basis. This is not exactly a hardship as much as it is an inconvenience, of course. We have to wait till Spring to get the whole system replaced, and with the amount of snow and cold we still experience these days, I am losing hope that Spring will ever come! But it feels good knowing that once replaced, we'll be set for another 15 years or more. 

The kids are growing like weeds. Norah turned 6 and hates having her hair brushed (see first photo, where she models her Little Hiker Cardigan, knit from hand-spun/hand-dyed wool), loves playing with tiny dolls, and sings all the time. Margot just turned 10 and loves to do cartwheels, draw, and to put on makeup. Violet will be 12 in May and still loves to read as much as always. She's learning to knit and takes beautiful photos with her iPod. Jude is going on 14 and when not being dressed up like Prince Edward and posing with cats, is obsessed with basketball. He'll be heading to high school in the fall and is now taller than me.

As for me? I turned 45 last month and am on a self-healing journey. I'm working my way through some non-fiction books which I find challenging but rewarding. Brene Brown's "The Gifts of Imperfection" is my latest read and I'm spending much time reflecting on it. This feels like it's going to be a year of upheaval and change and I want to be ready for whatever life throws at me! I am working at becoming more fit and am trying to sleep more.

But dammit, I just can't put away my knitting and spinning...