
Friday, June 1, 2012

::this moment::playing in the rain::

Pop by to share your own moment and to see those of others!
We're praying for a rainy weekend in the midst of this very dry Spring.


  1. Love it!! Playing in the rain is the best!

  2. Oh that is such a great shot! Love those eyes! Have a great weekend.

  3. Oh Lordy- we need to get together with our kids. I have an overwhelming urge to kiss that face. What are you doing this weekend? John is working... come on down! (I can't go to you as we have rehearsals on Sunday)

  4. I always tell Avi... some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. :)

  5. So sweet. Those beautiful eyes are mesmerizing. And the wet curls. Scrumptious.

    I just came in from walking about in the rain with my eldest. We were out checking on our banty hen who is on the verge of becoming a mama again. The chicks are peeping in their shells! So darn exciting.

  6. I'm a rain girl. Always. There's nothing like a puddle to splash in, and a downpour overhead. I love the sound, the dribble, the pits and pats and pommels of rain. I hope you get your rainstorms soon!


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