
Friday, September 10, 2010

Say Yes

Somedays I want to get lots of stuff done in my house. Often, my kids have other plans. We had a cold and rainy day at home this week, and I found myself surrendering to the silly, and getting creative about kid fun. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you could try one of the following:
Carry a kitten inside your nightgown kangaroo-style.

Teach your kids about the spectrum of colour while surreptitiously
organising your knitting basket.

Inadvertently create building materials that will occupy your
5-year old's imagination for an hour.

Just lay yourself down on a bed and let them jump on you.

Or, clean your toilet and explain why you have to do it to your
3-year old who always wants to know: WHY?

This weekend, why not welcome creative fun into your home? Say yes to silly. Just. Say. Yes.

(Oh, and enter my giveaway...a reminder to comment on the actual post, not this one, to be included in the draw!)


  1. Very cute. We should all say "Yes" a little more often!! Thanks for pointing that out!

  2. Im trying to learn how to say yes more and more.

  3. wonderful, gave me a morning giggle
    happy weekend, dear friend xx

  4. That photo of V with the kitten in her nightie made my day!!!

  5. Yes! Silly fun is the best fun. Sometimes its just about reframing our perspective, and I too love how children compel us to do so.

    Thank you for bringing such smiles and light into my morning :-)

  6. Ditto what Julie said! And J's hands with the watermelon..sigh.
    I said 'Yes' last night:
    Yes, we can order pizza!
    Yes, we can wear our pjs for supper!
    Yes, we can eat while watching family channel!
    Yes, I will watch Jonas LA with you!
    Yes, we can make a sundae!
    Bedtime was so easy and it was obvious how worthwhile those yeses were.
    Glad you enjoyed your silly day. And I know everyone hates when people say it, but I will anyway: they grow so fast. Say yes while they still are bothering to ask and WANTING to do things with you.
    It may not always be that way and you will yearn for it.

  7. Oh yes. I LOVE the letting them lay on you game!!


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