
Monday, October 22, 2012

A Promise

While driving along a country road the other day, Violet, Margot and I were discussing the changes we were seeing around us as the seasons change. They mentioned the leaves, the bare trees, the fields all plowed and ready to rest for the winter. We talked about the cooling of the air, and what was happening in everyone's gardens: namely, that the flowers had all gone to sleep.

Suddenly, Margot burst into heartfelt, heart-wrenching tears, gasping between sobs that she didn't WANT the flowers to die! She didn't WANT to go through winter. She wanted it to be Spring next!

I explained that the flowers worked hard all summer, showing off their pretty colours, providing food for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and others with their pollen, nectar, and seeds. The flowers were tired and needed to rest up so that come Spring, they'd be all ready for another show!

The next time we were at the grocery store, I almost walked past a display advertising tulip bulbs for sale...three boxes for $10! The kids each picked their favourites, and yesterday we got to work under the chilly October sky. They each chose a spot, and I dug a hole for each.
Violet thought the bulbs looked like gnomes. Margot wanted to know why they didn't look like light bulbs. Jude planted his so quickly that I didn't even get a picture of him doing it!
Hands in soil, carefully placing the bulbs point-up, and a promise was made: the promise of bright, brash tulips to greet us in April when Spring comes to visit us again. I expect this promise will keep our spirits up through the long days of late winter. I may just have go back to the store to get a few more boxes of promises!


  1. What a wonderful way to explain the season! Sarah gave Jamie some bulbs for her birthday and you have just reminded me to get them planted! TONIGHT!

  2. Stephanie, if you have a bit of chicken wire, lay it over the tulip bed and sprinkle with more soil. Squirrels and chipmunks will find these treasures and the children will be very disappointing come spring. Believe me, we've been there. My grandchildren and I planted HUNDREDS of bulbs in preparation for their youngest aunt's wedding the following spring. What a disaster. Surprisingly, the critters didn't disturb the daffodils or the little purple thingies (the name escapes me at the moment!), but not a tulip was ever seen.

  3. I love how children can feel truly devastated by something like the death of a flower. Shira was recently distraught because the trees weren't speaking to her. Seriously? Children are perfect.

    (Though I wish they slept more.)


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