
Friday, February 3, 2012

::this moment::yogurt for breakfast

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.
Visit Soulemama's blog to see more moments, and to share a link to your own!

Have a restful weekend.


  1. hm, yummy! and look how summery she is dressed, LOL! thanks for sharing, have a lovely weekend!

    1. It's her tutu. I have to peel it off her at night and wash it sneakily..she wears it all the time!

  2. Great breakfast and a favorite here too!

  3. Her hair is so long!!! I love this pic although it makes me miss you guys SO much.
    Oh for a weekend in your house. Must plan one...

  4. Such a lovely moment together, beautiful. And I am sure the yogurt was delish.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Is she wearing a leotard with tutu? I know a little someone at my home who could has one too. Happy Friday! Here's our moment:

  6. oh these moments! how many in a day! yet, how easy it is to forget them as time passes. glad this one was caught for you!
    here is our moment

    1. Like many mothers, I'm usually the one behind the camera; I have to tell my husband to get the camera so that my children will have evidence that I actually was a part of these moments!

    2. Ha! That is so true for me, too! Although it doesn't help that I'm very camera shy :)

  7. You look like you are having a real "heart to heart" chat with her! Are you still out of school due to the weather? Hooray for you for getting "in" the picture! I need to remember to do that more often!

  8. Breakfast in a tutu, that's adorable! Looks like you're set up for a cozy weekend.

  9. How wonderful to remember to get in front of the camera....what a novel idea! Lol. It looks like there is some serious discussion going on. All of the big things in life should be discussed over yogurt.

    Have a great weekend. Here is mine moment to share this week....

  10. It looks like she's saying to you, "Plain yogurt mom? are you kidding?!" What a fun moment! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I love those looks you're exchanging. Super cute!
    xo, laura emily

  12. A lovely, comfortable, sharing moment. It is especially wonderful to see you, quite literally,in the moment. And I love how M accessorized her tutu outfit.


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