
Monday, December 12, 2011

Cabin in the Woods, Year 2

This was our second year at the Cabin in the Woods; as we pulled into the lane, Violet exlaimed, "I remember this place!" I put a pot of soup on to heat, added some wood to the woodstove, and lit a candle in preparation for the arrival of my parents, and one of my sisters with her family. In a spark of wintry kismet, we had enough snow to transform the countryside into a veritable wonderland. There was also just enough to go sledding.

I remained in the house while my sister and her husband slid the kids; she assured me that I used to take HER kids out when they were small, because she didn't have the energy. Feeling absolved of any guilt, I took up my knitting, and watched the fun through the window.

Ice popsicles are the perfect snack when sledding, although I don't recommend them if one is hypothermic.

My littlest one is always very reluctant to join outdoor play, and usually ends up back inside after five minutes in the snow. Forget the fact that it takes 15 minutes to get her into her snowsuit. She was happy to join her mother, and mine, in observing the cavorting from beside the woodstove.


  1. How thoughtful of the weather to enhance your weekend away! I love that you guys do this weekend together. I mean, what a gift of experiences and bank of memories you are all building for your collective family. Beautiful.

    And my Littlest lasts for about the same amount of time before joining *me* at the window :-)

  2. Wow ~ it is 64 degrees here so that is hard to imagine! What a beautiful scene - I see why so many northerners have a lot of time to knit! I don't think I could take that cold weather either and sitting by the fire with needles in hand, watching my children in the snow sounds like a wonderful way to pass the the day!


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