
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yarn Along

Yarn If you've read my latest post, you'll get that I don't have much time these days for knitting or reading. My little take-along basket contains tiny squibs of sock yarn and the last remains of my hope that I'll get a few Easter eggs knitted up before the weekend. So far, I've managed one and a half.  I couldn't resist making yet another horse, in miniature, and in blue. I love it.

I finally ordered the back issues of Taproot's first season. Wow. I'm completely sold on this beautiful, thought-provoking, ad-free publication. It's perfect for my life right now because I can just read one article at a time and think about it for days before I have time to get back to it. I love holding a paper magazine in my hands, and connecting, through writing, with so many trailblazers and homesteaders. It is more of a connection than I've ever felt through the internet. I highly recommend it; it is more than worth the subscription price, and would make a terrific gift for a friend!

Please visit Ginny's space to find out what more people are knitting and reading!


  1. Love your little blue sock yarn horse, that magazine looks interesting, I wonder if it's available in the UK.

  2. Sometimes it's fun just to have little wee projects on the go. Horse is very cute, like that he's blue, quite unusual.
    I also receive Taproot, and have to pace myself as to not read it all in one sitting.

  3. i feel that way about taproot as well. lately it seems all of my reading has to be in small chunks. good luck on the eggs!

  4. I really need to just bite the bullet and get those back issues of taproot. The knitting looks fabulous!


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