
Friday, June 21, 2013

::this moment::cowboy boots::

Joining in with Soule Mama's This Moment.


  1. That is so sweet!

    Here is my momen. I was trying to manage a rough dinnertime alone and decided to have some fun to turn it around.

  2. A picture perfect photo for a summer day.The lush greenery,the shy kitty,the size and color of the two rocks that match her cowgirl boots and a very sweet child with a fun filled summer ahead of her.I too remember those days sitting on a rock with my sister,having a picnic.

  3. Love her dress!

    Happy weekend!

  4. What a great moment! The dress and the cowboy boots are fab!

    Our moment this week comes from Grace biking sans traning wheels. Her best friend is the one helping her.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. A little girl dressed in calico and ponytail, perched upon a rock in a field of wild grasses... coaxing a kitty. Perfect.

    Blessings, Debbie


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