
Saturday, March 10, 2012


 We've had lots of things to celebrate around here these days.
This girl hokey-pokeyed her way into her third year, with a Pink Party. 

Sometimes we celebrate the fact that we play princesses all day.

Celebrate colour and daily opportunities to create art? Why not!

We celebrate each loose tooth this kid has, even though at the moment he looks like Nanny McPhee when he smiles (with one snaggle-tooth hanging over his lip). It's hilarious and adorable.

Perhaps our biggest reason to celebrate? Margot had her annual cardiology check-up. Although her mitral valve continues to be wonky (that's the technical term, don't you know), it's not worse. The best words of the day were when her cardiologist said, "See you when you're five, Margot!"

I'm celebrating the fading of my addiction to spending time on the internet. I'm getting stuff done, and I don't feel like sharing every detail of it on my blog. I'm knitting and painting my kitchen and planning my garden and reading about root cellars.

Most of all, I'm remembering how rich my life was before Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and blogging took over my time. I'm playing Yahtzee with my kids in the evenings, writing letters to people I know and love, and falling asleep on the couch with a book on my chest. 

You may be seeing a bit less of me around here these days. 

I'm just too busy celebrating!


  1. Yay for things to celebrate! (:

  2. Good for you! Those are all such wonderful things to celebrate. :)

  3. I LOVE the picture of your girlie dancing away at her pink party!! Pure JOY! Thanks for reminding us "adults", how important it is to really LIVE. :)

  4. Love this post and all the wonderful reasons to celebrate (especially that last one)!

  5. Good for you! Good for Margot. Continue celebrating life!

  6. THAT is the way to celebrate. And here's to celebrating "Blogging without Obligation"...

    I love the delight and reflection in your photos.

  7. So many wonderful reasons to celebrate!

    And the internet has really sucked me in lately. I love the connection blogs offer, and there are so many great ones, but sometimes I just need to walk away! Thanks for the reminder.

  8. I am with you....I just spent a month "unplugged". Sometimes you get too wrapped up in seeing what everyone else is doing to do anything yourself! I love to blog....and that is all I am going to do...that in itself takes enough time! Good luck...but don't stop blogging cause your really good at it.

  9. Beautiful! Happy birthday, and happy near-toothlessness, and happy heart! I'm inspired by your resolutions for family time. Cheers!


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