
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

a whole lot of photos, and a few words

impromptu sun-shades

flying leaps

finger painting, al fresco

quick snatches of rest

botany 101

bizarre moments

sharing summer celebrations

wrestling with cousins

yet another litter of kittens (we're keeping this one)

a family wedding, and a portrait that turned out alright

biggest and littlest, in mama's embrace

hand-washed camping laundry, hung to dry

standing already?

summer curls and hammock play

and unicorns made out of potatoes

That about sums it up. 

In a week or so we'll be doing some back-to-school shopping, and our usual routines will resume. I hope to be a more regular visitor to this space but time will tell.


  1. that just about sums it all up.A beautiful fun filled summer

  2. Looks like a beautiful summer that has been well enjoyed.

  3. So happy to have been a part of lots of those memories! That hammock pic is to DIE for, by the way.

  4. I'm glad you've been using your remaining summer time wisely :D

  5. You cut your hair! It looks wonderful. Sounds like your summer has been full and satisfy. No wasting the summer days!

  6. just lovely. And yes! Yahoo! Your family portrait turned out great!

  7. It's been forever! I can't believe how big your little is. You're hair looks fab. Hope all is well :)

  8. Your, not you're. I just couldn't let it slide!

  9. Napping with the baby on your chest is the sweetest, most lovely picture of all. I love sleeping with a baby. And the family portrait turned out Magnificent. Love Norah reaching for Sister's hair !~!


This space is a creative outlet for a busy mama; I warmly embrace your comments and feedback, as well as questions/requests for details. I do check them daily and will respond where appropriate! Thank you for visiting the Knitty Gritty Homestead!