
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Winter Days

I changed my blog header to a summer theme in the dead of winter. We've had two snow days in a row because of inclement weather: lots of snow, freezing rain, and slush/ice on the roads. Yuck! This is the time of year when I'm ready for Spring.

The kids have had two days off school and spent their first night altogether at Nanny's without a parent to help out. 

I'd like to say that we made the most of our unexpected night alone. For parents of four children, sometimes "making the most of it" means eating a bagel or a grilled cheese for dinner and watching a movie while folding piles (and piles and piles) of laundry. "Song of the Sea" is the movie we're watching over and over again these days. If you haven't seen it, please do! It's on Netflix.

We're getting through the winter on a wing and a prayer. All the gates are snowed in so visiting the ponies, sheep, and cats involved a climb over a gate. The chickens are surviving the winter. In February I imagine the Tomten travelling the little paths of the farm, visiting everyone and reassuring them that Spring will come.

Our community sponsorship group succeeded in bringing a family of Syrian refugees to settle in our village. This is the result of hard work, enthusiasm, optimism, prayer, and hope. I am involved with teaching ESL to the adults of the family and it is a pleasure to visit with them every week. My kids run off with their kids, and we can hear the happy sounds of children playing from other rooms. We have found an easy comfort in the spaces between the words we share and Google Translate has been a huge help along with copious amounts of dark, strong coffee! I managed to convey that yes, we do have rain and sun in Canada in addition to snow and I could see the relief clearly etched on the faces of this family who so recently lived in a hot, desert climate!

Norah goes to a beautiful home-based preschool every day. This is her usual attire, basket in hand. My goodness, she's sweet. She's a-norah-ble, to borrow a term from her caregiver's daughter! This was a Little Grey Rabbit phase, where I was Mrs. Hedgehog, daddy was Wise Owl, and her siblings were Hare, Squirrel, and Fuzzypeg. We treasure our Alison Utley books and videos! 

How to wrap up this random update? Maybe I won't.


  1. we have received two Syrian families in our little town. I, too, am teaching english. It is fun and draining at the same time. I can just imagine how they must feel. I just got an official job teaching them yesterday, so my commitment and time levels will be multiplied. Nice to see an update of life abroad. We have rain, rain rain and more rain in Nova Scotia. Not so good for ice skating on our pond, but the ducks have come back. :} Cheers

  2. I love how children can play. No language needed. Just add joy. :)

  3. Love your header picture~~ you are just beautiful!! Love reading your updates.
    Blessings to you!!

  4. Good to hear about your village's work to help! Hoping your weather gets better soon.


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