
Friday, April 4, 2014


The day begins with a peek out the attic window to check the weather. The morning sun creates a nest of warmth for  the lucky felines who get to nap all day. I go to work where I help little ones in and out of splash pants and wet mitts, teach art to the tallest in the school, touch my own children tenderly when they pass me in the halls, then finally head home again.

A cheap bottle of wine, holding my love's hand while the kids watch their Friday night movie, and the rabid cuddles of a toddler who has missed me all week.

The promise of an episode of Downton Abbey and a bit of knitting, and a work day tomorrow to prepare for some minor renovations give the sense of a lovely weekend ahead.

just love Friday, don't you?


  1. I love Fridays also. I teach a preschool family music class in the morning. Then have a few hours before the children come home. Today, the sun actually gave some warmth, so I let the chickens out to play. One kept following me, thinking I had food. Played around with the wood piles, had a few cups of tea, talked to my mom on facetime while I cut out some bunny softies. By then the kids came home. Friday night they choose where they want to eat. We drop them off at the church youth group for 2 hours while we go play with the adults at the Yacht club and eat the meal offered there. Yep, lovely day indeed.
    Have a good one

  2. What relaxing photos. I love the one of the happy kitties all curled up together in the sun!

  3. Saw that you commented on the felted slippers and offered that you have patterns for the "boot liners"
    Do you offer/sell these patterns?

  4. Sounds just about perfect, Stephanie :)

  5. Such wonderful, cozy photos. And what an incredible view to wake to!

    On some days I would like to be a curled up in a quilt, purring, day-long napping cat. Tomorrow sounds like a fine day for doing just that.


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