This beloved guy is Dusty, Jude's compadre. He was starting to look a bit shoddy (and the look wasn't improved by the fly that landed on his face just as I took this picture).
Jude had been asking for new duds for awhile, and although there are many other things to do, I set today aside to accomplish the task.
A pair of old jeans were quickly fashioned into new denims for this wrangling cowboy (I used the side and bottom seams from the originals to give them a real jean look!). Some flannel become a sweet plaid shirt, complete with a collar and some wooden bead-buttons.
A scrap of leather and a random button became a belt into which any self-respecting cowboy would be proud to hook his thumbs!
I finished the ensemble off with a neckerchief to dress up his look. Jude maintains that he needs some boots, a holster, and a gun, too. Maybe next Sunday will allow for some more fun creative time to complete Dusty's new look!
Right now, Margot is trying to set him up with her mermaid.